Kathy K. on Etsy


I purchased a Swiss chalet music box from you a couple of weeks ago thru Etsy.

I absolutely love it and I wanted to tell you a little story.

I had a little music box very similar to this when I was a little girl (close to 60 years ago). It had a little slit in the roof where you drop a penny in and it would play “Pennies from Heaven“. It must’ve gotten thrown out when we were clearing out the house after my mom passed away. I went online and found a company (Music Box Attic) where I could order the music portion of “Pennies from Heaven“. When I received it, I was going to re-create making the little house like the one I had when I was little. I started looking online to see if I could find something similar that I could try to make myself. When I saw the music box from you, I just had to buy it. I knew that there was no way I could reproduce a vintage product like this. I actually took the broken music part out of the little music box from you and used the same screws to put in my new box and it fit perfect. Now I have a beautiful Swiss chalet music box that I can wind up and it will play “Pennies from Heaven“.

I can’t tell you how blessed I feel and the memories it brings back!

Shelley Dunville